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Beszerzés a Bürkertnél

The success of Bürkert, a leading manufacturer of control and measuring systems for fluids and gases, significantly depends on our suppliers as well.

Mann und zwei Frauen sitzen am Verhandlungstisch

For this reason, we strive for a long-term and reciprocal collaboration with selected suppliers who are world leaders in terms of technology, quality and logistics and offer competitive prices. There is a tendency from the regional to the global, from the component to the system supplier and from the mere subcontractor to the development partner.

Specifically, our suppliers are expected, among other things, to

  • High standards of quality and striving for the goal of zero errors
  • High reliability
  • Interest in a long-term cooperative partnership
  • Flexibility
  • Short delivery times
  • Annual requirements from 1 to 1,000,000 items
  • Stocking on the basis of framework agreements
  • Openness to versatile logistic concepts such as Kanban, JIT, buffer and Consignment stock concepts, etc.
  • Readiness for electronic connection and electronic data exchange (EDI, Supplier portal, etc.)
  • Delivery capabilities to our factories in Germany and France, as well as to other locations outside of Europe
  • Active participation in development projects and the willingness to Explore new and innovative methods
  • Competitive prices, which are subject to constant optimization
  • Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 or IATF 16949
  • Preferably certification according to ISO 14001 or equivalent
  • Preferably certification according to OHSAS BS 18001 or equivalent
  • Preferably certification according to ISO 50001 or equivalent
  • Willingness to accept corporate social responsibility
  • Compliance with laws and regulations (for example RoHS & REACH, Dodd-Frank-Act-Section 1502)



As a global manufacturing company Bürkert has to be aware of its responsibilities towards people and the environment.
Therefore we welcome suppliers who commit themselves to our internationally recognized social and ethical standards (SA 8000, UN Global Compact, ISO 26000, ILO, etc.).
In this context we also refer to our CSR principles (Corporate Responsibility):

If you believe that you meet these requirements, please take a few minutes to complete our supplier self-disclosure and, along with any brochure material available, send it to the following e-mail address:


Below you will find more information about the different groups of materials, and also the purchasing teams at Bürkert.





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